Can You Hit The Fairway With A Rotator Cuff Injury?

Golf is one of the beloved sports in America, with over 23 million active players at all levels. The sport takes skill, strategy, and a powerful swing. However, those repetitive swings of the club can take a toll on the shoulders, particularly the rotator cuff. Rotator cuff injuries are common among golfers, and some even try to play through the pain. But is playing with the injury possible, or wise for that matter?

city place surgery center Can I Play Golf With A Rotator Cuff Injury Understanding Treatment Options

What’s causing your rotator cuff pain?

The shoulder depends on the rotator cuff for movement and range of motion. A ball and socket joint connects the humerus bone with the scapula. The joint is covered by several tendons, muscles, and ligaments that make up the rotator cuff. Together, these components stabilize the shoulder. Rotator cuff injuries happen due to overuse or gradual wear and tear. Golfers can play with a rotator cuff injury. However, this depends on the type of injury and care.

Tendinitis won’t stop this drive

Rotator cuff tendinitis is the most common of rotator cuff injuries. The tendons that make up the rotator become inflamed. Common symptoms of tendinitis include pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. A doctor can help diagnose rotator cuff tendinitis. From there, a combination of medication and rest can ease the pain. Hot and cold therapy can also help with inflammation. Applying these techniques before a game can help golfers play with less pain and discomfort.

Rotator cuff tears are an unwanted handicap

Tendon tears are another common type of rotator cuff injury. These are more concerning than tendinitis and may even require surgery. The tendons connecting the muscles to the bone can stretch or tear. Tears can cause more intense pain, weakness, and stiffness. Rotator cuff tears can have similar symptoms as tendinitis, so make sure to get an accurate diagnosis. If the doctor confirms a partial tear, non-surgical treatment can help. Consistent physical therapy and medication can support the shoulder, even during a golf game. A full-thickness tear, however, requires immediate surgical help.

Repairing the torn tendon

With full tears, surgery, followed by several weeks of physiotherapy, will be the only way to resume golf safely. Once a medical professional confirms a full tear, an orthopedic surgeon performs the procedure. Using arthroscopic means, the surgeon can view and repair the damaged tendon. The tendon is reattached with stitches and suture anchors. There are some cases where open surgery is required, for instance, if the patient has bone spurs. After surgery, therapy can last between 3-6 months.

Take care before your next golf swing

Anyone with a rotator cuff injury, especially a tear, should not play sports like golf without medical advice. Based on the damage, playing golf is possible with the right conservative treatment. However, if surgery is required, the patient should have the operation before heading back on the green. An orthopedic surgeon can give sound advice on the need for surgery and playing with an injury.

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